
Dear Parents,

The students had a great time last week watching their volcanoes erupt! Who knew an Alka-Seltzer tablet could be so useful during science class. :) The class earned their 20th class compliment last week, so they have earned a very short popcorn party at the end of day on Monday. If you do not want your child to have popcorn, please send in a substitute treat for them.

Have a wonderful homeschool week!!!

Blessings in Christ,

Mrs. Poncy

Important info: 

Reading: I am in the process of administering running records for students. This gives me the opportunity to hear their speed, expression, and overall reading habits (ex, do they self-correct as they read, skip an unknown word or sound out unfamiliar words when reading). I'll be in touch with you about these soon!

Memory Work: We have an upcoming math assessment (4s and 5s x tables) on Wednesday, and the Asia map due 1/29.

Important dates: 

1/22: Falcon Moms Meet-UP
1/22: New Family Informational!
1/27: Moms in Prayer 9-9:30
1/29: Spirit Day and Pizza Lunch!
1/29: Grammar Playdate on the playground

2nd week 191/20/20201/21/20201/22/20201/23/20201/24/2020Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipGentleness: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
Proverbs 15:1 
GeographyAsia - Due 1/29 
Math HIG p18-19: Addition and Subtraction
TB p14
WB Ex6-7, p16-17
MM #8 (10-15 mins) 
HIG p20-24: Mental Math Subtraction
TB p15-16
WB Ex8-9, p18-21
Math Quiz: 4s and 5s x facts
HIG p25-26: Subtract 2-Digit Numbers
TB p16-17; WB Ex10-11, p22-24
HIG p27-28: Subtract 98 or 99
TB, p17
WB Ex12, p25
MM #14, do half
TB Practice 1B all, p18 + MM #14 (do 2nd half)Begin practicing 6s and 7s x facts 
Spelling Step 15: Review NT, p83-85; Dictate sentence 4-6 on spelling paper in binder Review card box; Dictate sentence 7-9 and Writing Station, p86Step 15 Test: Title page, 10 words + 1 sentence, p85-86Step 16: NT p83-85; dictate word cards 101-110, p85Dictate sentence 1-3, p89 on spelling paper in binder.
Grammar FLL#70, p164-165: Writing a friendly letter FLL#71: Addressing the envelope, p166-167FLL#72: Prepositions, p168-171 Use this day to practice letter writing
Read Aloud The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe 
C.S Lewis 
ReadingOPG 216: The TION/SION ending p320-321 + Administer Running Records OPG 216: The TION/SION ending p320-321 + Read 30 minutes independentlyOPG 217: The endings TURE/IBLE/ABLE p322-323
+ Administer Running Records 
OPG 217: The endings TURE/IBLE/ABLE p322-323 + Read 30 minutes independently Read independently 30 minutes There are no classical reads assigned this week. 
Introduce Letter S Letter S: Students complete p70-72 in NAC.Practice letters learned Student does p73 in NAC.
Bible Review Memory verse; Discuss Bible reading: A gentle shepherdJesus is Gentle
John 8:1-11 and Galatians 6:1.
Discuss reading from yesterday + Practice catchecism Gentleness is contagious
Ephesians 4:2-3, Proverbs 22:24-25 and Luke 6:31.
ScienceRead, "Moons" p103 and "Martian Orbit" p103. Discuss. Students add 2 facts to their journal page. Read "Martian Rotation" p104 in EC TB. Discuss. Students complete the Mars Crossword Puzzle, p164 in the journal. Read, "Moving to Mars" p105-106. Discuss. Students complete their Mars Minibooks, p158 in their Apologia journals. Read, "Mars Surface" and "Liquid Water on Mars?" p107 in EC TB. Discuss. Students complete Activity 7.2, "Designing a Mars Community" (p106 in TB and p166 in journal)Use this day to finish Activity 7.2
HistoryThe English Language Review Questions + Blending Languages Playdough Project Read, "Serfs and Nobleman" p144-147 in SOTW. Oral Retell. Serfs and Nobleman review questions + "English after the Conquest" Map Work + Coloring Page Students read, "Stone Castles" p147-151 in SOTW. Discuss. Students answer in their journals, "Why did the Norman knights start building castles? Draw a picture of a castle in your journal above your response. 
Memory Work"An Evening Hymn" Due 2/26
History: "The Children's Catechism" #36-50 Due 2/26
Math: Memorize 4s and 5s x tables Due 1/22
Math: Begin Memorizing 6s and 7s Due 2/19