
Dear Parents,

I hope everyone enjoys the student holiday on Monday and the cooler temperatures that have come upon us. Even though we live in Texas and the seasons can be milder than other states, I still look forward to discussing the science behind our seasons, and all the perfect ways God really thought about how our planet would undergo change.

I also look forward to seeing all the Ancient Rome and Middle Ages costumes on October 30th for historical dress-up day. I find it so precious to see all the little medieval characters that trickle into my classroom the morning of!

Have a wonderful Monday,

Mrs. Poncy

Important info:

Math: This week we are starting multiplication and division, but focusing on the concept of it; the memorization of the actual facts will come later once we have established that multiplication is repeated addition, and division is sharing equally among groups. Also, please remember to do the HIG lessons that call for hands-on practice using objects. They really  need the hands-on activities to learn these skills well.

Parent-teacher conferences: Don't forget to sign up for a parent-teacher conference! I look forward to bragging about all the wonderful things I get to observe about your child on our school days. Here is the link!

Parent Teacher Conference Sign-up link

Jacket weather: With the cooler temperatures, please remember to send a sweater or light jacket with your child on school days. Oftentimes, they don't think they need one...until they've been out there for several minutes! :)

Important dates:

Monday, October 28- Teacher Training – NO SCHOOL for Students
Wednesday, October 30- Historic Dress-up Day : Ancient Rome and Middle Ages 
Wednesday, October 30- Spirit Day and Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, October 30- Grammar Play date (3-4pm on Fortis Playground) 

2nd week 1210/28/201910/29/201910/30/201910/31/201911/1/2019Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipForgiveness:  “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8
GeographyMiddle East - Due 11/6 
Teacher Training - No School
HIG p73-75: Multiplication and Division
TB p76-78
WB Ex31,32
MM #21 (10-15 minutes) 
HIG p76-77: Arrays
TB p78
WB Ex33,34
Practice 5A, all
Problem Solving Journals 
HIG p78-79: Division
TB p80-82
WB Ex35,36
MM #22 (10-15 minutes) 
HIG p80: Grouping
TB p83-84
Practice subtraction facts 
Please return Practice 3A from last week if your child hasn't yet! Thanks! 
SpellingStep 10: Review NT, p58-59; dictate sentences 4-9 (p59)
Review card box
Step 10 Test: title page, dictate 3 sentences, p59Step 11: NT, p61-65; Dictate word cards 61-70 (p65) on spelling paper + Do 5 More Words, p66Dictate sentences 1-3, p66 
GrammarFLL#44: Story Narration, p101-103 FLL#45: Review, p104-105 and DEFLL #46: Picture narration, p106-107
Read Aloud
Surprise Island Gertrude Warner 

ReadingOPG 202: IE as Long E, p303 + Read Ch 5 of Little Pear OPG 202: IE as Long E, p303 + Partner Group Discussion OPG 203: Two-Syllable Plurals (ES) + Read Ch 6 of Little PearRead Ch 7 of Little Pear
Students completes Cursive L, p47-48 in NACReinforce Cursive L, link letters learnedStudent completes p49 in NAC + CW: Earth and Mars stanza of Planets Poem 
BibleHearts like Stone
Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 18:35 and Proverbs 4:20-23
Discussion Questions from yesterday + Children's Catechism Overlook Offense
Proverbs 19:11, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 17:1
Turn Hate into Love
Genesis 4:1-16, 1 John 3:11-15 and 1 John 4:19-21.
ScienceRead, "Perfect Tilt," p71-72 in EC TB. Discuss. Students complete Activity 5.1a on p71 in the TB. Fill in its activity page, (p115 in journal)Class reads, p73-75 about Earth's seasons. Discuss. Class completes Activity 5.1b, p74 in EC TB. Students complete its activity page Read, "Perfect Land" p76 in EC TB. Discuss. Students complete Earth mini-book, p116-120 in Apologia Journal.*Practice the Planets Poem* 
HistoryRead, "The First People of Australia" p89-92 in SOTW. Discuss. Review Questions, The First People of Australia + Map Work/CP
Craft Project: Make a Boomerang 
Read, "The Long Journey of the Maori" p92-96. Students answer in their journals, "How did the island of New Zealand form according to the fairy tale? What happened in real life?" Students illustrate a picture above yesterday's response that shows any scene from the fairy tale 
Memory WorkPoem: "How All Things Praise the Lord" Assessed as a Group on 11/20 History: "The Children's Catechism" (#18-35) Due 12/4
History: Key Dates #6-10 due 12/4
Science: Practice the Planets Poem


Dear Parents,

We had a fun week last week in math using balances to compare weight of objects and to discuss all the ways we would ever need to know how heavy things are. This coming week is our last week of measurement before we move on to multiplication and division, which will carry us all the way to Christmas. Have a great homeschool week, and I can't wait to see all the crazy hair and socks this week for Spirit week!

Blessings in Christ,

Mrs. Poncy

Important info: 

Math: You will need unifix cubes, counters, or coins at home to teach multiplication/division; it doesn't matter which, they just need to be of equal size. (We start these skills on 10/29!)

Reading Interest Inventory: Please have your child return their reading inventory on Monday. I can't wait to read these!

Important info:

Monday, October 21-25- Fortis Spirit Week: Monday: Crazy Socks Day, Wednesday: Crazy Hair Day 
Monday, October 21- Lifetouch Picture Retakes
Saturday, October 26- Fortis Trunk or Treat
Monday, October 28- Teacher Training – NO SCHOOL for Students
Wednesday, October 30- Historic Dress-up Day 
Wednesday, October 30- Spirit Day and Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, October 30- Grammar Play date (3-4pm on Fortis Playground)

2nd week 1110/21/201910/22/201910/23/201910/24/201910/25/2019Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipForgiveness:  “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:810/28 
GeographyMiddle East - Due 11/6 
MathHIG p68: Measuring Weight in Grams
TB p68-69 #1-3
WB Ex 30
Problem Solving Journals + MM # 19
HIG p69: Measuring Weight in Pounds + HIG p70: Measuring Weight in Ounces
TB p70-73 + Do Practice 4A all, TB p74
HIG p72: Review
Review A, TB p75 + Measurement Games 
Finish Review A if needed, TB p75 + Begin Review 4, WB p87-90 + MM #20 (10-15 minutes) Finish Review 4 + Practice Addition Facts within 10We begin our multiplication and division unit next week! 
SpellingStep 9: Review NT, p53-55; dictate sentences 4-6 and tactile w/ "More Words" p56Step 9: Review NT p53-55; dictate sentences 7-9 on spelling paper and tactile w/ "More Words" p56Step 9 Test: Title page, 10 words + 1 sentence, p55-56Step 10: Word analysis and NT, p57-59; Teach Sound Card 49Dictate sentences 1-3, p59 on Spelling Paper. 
Grammar*Omit FLL #39 skip to FLL #40: Story narration, p87-90 and CWFLL #41: Indirect quotations, p91-92 + CW: Copy the first two groupings of sentencesFLL#42: Titles of Respect, p93-95 + DEFLL #43: Four Types of sentences, p96-100 + DE and EA 
Read AloudSurprise Island Gertrude Warner 
ReadingOPG 200: Y as Long E, p301 + Discuss Little Pear in partners.OPG 200: Y as Long E, p301 + Read Ch 3 of Little Pear. Discuss.OPG 201: EY as Long E, p302 + Discuss Ch 3 of Little Pear in Partner Groups. OPG 201: EY as Long E, p302 + Read Ch 4 of Little Pear. Oral retell.Please remind your child bring their literature bookmark to class on school days!
Handwriting/CopyworkIntroduce Cursive K Student completes p44-45 in NACReview all Cursive lettersStudents do p46 in the NAC.
BibleDiscuss Luke 15:11 + Practice Children's Catechism Forgiveness is a big Number
Luke 17:3-4, Matthew 6:12-15 and 1 John 4:19-21
Discussion yesterday's reading + Children's Catechism Condemnation is God's Job
Romans 12:17-21 and
1 Corinthians 4:5
ScienceClass reads, "Perfect Design by a Perfect Designer" and "Perfect Distance" in EC TB, p66. Students add 3 facts and 1 illustration to journal page + Practice Planets poem Read, "Perfect Mass" p67-68 in EC TB. Students add 2 facts to their journal pages (p112-113) + Practice the Planets Poem Class reads, "Perfect Rotation" p68-69 in EC TB. Science Demonstration: Rotate + Practice Planets Poem Read "Perfect Atmosphere" p69-70 in EC TB. Students add 2 facts to journal (p112-113) + CW: Colossians 1:16, p121 in Apologia journalPractice Planets Poem 
HistoryThe Yamato Dynasty of Japan Review Questions + Korea, China, and Japan Map Work and Coloring Page Read, "A Tale of Three Countries: Korea, China, and Japan" p85-88 in SOTW. Students answer in their journals, "What large country invaded Korea and ruled over part of it? Why did the king of Paekche want to make friends with Japan? Discuss reading from yesterday + Activity: Students create a Japanase Haiku Students draw their own map of Korea, China, and Japan in their history journals (can use p81 in SOTW to copy or trace)
Memory WorkPoem: "How All Things Praise the Lord" Assessed as a Group on 11/20
History: "The Children's Catechism" (#18-35) Due 12/4
History: Key Dates #6-10 due 12/4
Science: Practice the Planets Poem 


Dear Parents,

Another week that went by so fast! The students really enjoyed the measurement unit last week, and they really enjoyed getting to use their rulers. We also measured with string cut to 100 cm, so that we would know about how long objects are when measured to the nearest meter.

We have a busy week ahead. There is a new classical book we'll begin, Little Pear, and your child will need to bring this book every school day until we are finished. Thank you for all the hard work you do to ensure your child is prepared on school days. It really, really shows!

Blessings in Christ,

Mrs. Poncy

Important info: 

Fall conferences: 
Be on the lookout for a signup genius email in the next week that will allow you the opportunity to sign up for a fall conference. I look forward to discussing all the wonderful things I observe and see on school days. If the times do not align with your schedule, I am always available to do a phone conference.

Planets Poem:
There is a new poem I am sending home this week that helps students memorize the order of the planets and their features. We will be practicing this poem in class and on homeschool days. I will not grade this one for accuracy or memorization, but I will take a participation grade for effort shown in class.

Reading Interest Inventory: 
I will be sending home a reading interest inventory this week. This is a sheet that students will fill out and return that gives me a better picture about what they like to read, how often they read, and how I can better support them when guiding books for them to read in the classroom and our small Fortis library.

Important dates: 
Wednesday, October 16- Spirit Day
Monday, October 21-25- Fortis Spirit Week
Monday, October 21- Lifetouch Picture Retakes
Saturday, October 26- Fortis Trunk or Treat
Monday, October 28- Teacher Training – NO SCHOOL for Students
Wednesday, October 30- Historic Dress-up Day 
Wednesday, October 30- Spirit Day and Pizza Lunch
Wednesday, October 30- Grammar Play date (3-4pm on Fortis Playground)

2nd week 1010/14/201910/15/201910/16/201910/17/201910/18/2019Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipForgiveness:  “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Psalm 145:8
Geography Middle East - Due 11/6 

HIG p61: Measuring Length in Yards and Feet
TB Learning Tasks #1-4, p59-60
Problem Solving Journals 
HIG p62: Measuring Length in Inches
TB p61-62
WB Ex28
MM # 17 (10-15 minutes) + Review 3, WB p83 (#1-3 only)
Math Quiz: Measurement of Length +

HIG p65: Measuring Weight in Kilograms
WB Ex29, p79-80
Finish Review 3, WB p84-86 + Begin Practice 3A, TB p63 if time allows, (can do Practice 3A tomorrow if not)Finish Practice 3A, TB p63 + MM 18 (10-15 minutes)Please turn in Practice 3A on Monday, Oct 21st

Step 8: Review NT p47-49; Dictate sentences 4-6 and choose 5 "More Words" to review, p50-51Review card box; Dictate sentences 7-9 on spelling paper and practice the words, "copy" and "body," from the "More Words" section, p50-51Step 8 Test: Title page, 10 words + 1 sentence, p50-51Step 9: NT, p53-55; Dictate word cards 51-60, p55Dictate sentences 1-3, p56 on spelling paper in binder.

FLL#35: Interjections/
Conjunctions, p78-80 and EA
FLL#36: Introduce Letter writing, p81-82 (Can Omit "The Year" Review)Lesson #38: Introducing direct quotations
FLL #37: Addressing an envelope FLL #'s are out of order on purpose this week
Read Aloud


Surprise Island Gertrude Warner 

OPG 198: Contractions
Little Pear
OPG 198: Contractions
Students read Ch 1 of 
Little Pear
OPG 199: Contractions
Students discuss 
Little Pear in partner groups
OPG 199: Contractions
Students begin Ch 2 of 
Little Pear
Finish Ch 2 of Little Pear Focus on OPG p300 and having your child copy your expression and
your speed. 
Copy Work: 

Introduce Cursive J and linking letters learned Student completes Cursive J, NAC p41-42Practice Cursive J and linking letters learnedPractice Cursive J NAC, p43

Review memory verse; Discussion Questions from Matthew 18 + Children's Catechism Hidden Secrets
Hebrews 4:13, Psalm 32:3-5, Proverbs 28:13 and 1 John 1:8-10
Discussion Questions from yesterday's reading and Children's Catechism A Son asks for Forgiveness
Luke 15:11-24

Venus Lesson 4 Review questions/assignment + Introduce Planets Poem Review Venus Crossword Puzzle definitions, p106 in journal for quiz + Students come prepared tomorrow to give a 2-3 min oral narration on what they have learned about Venus Lesson 4 Science Quiz + Venus Narrations +
Practice Planets Poem 
Practice Planets Poem +
CW: First two stanzas of Planets Poem: Mercury, Venus (Then file in binder) 
Practice Planets Poem CW = CopyWork 

SOTW Discussion questions + Map Work: China and the Grand Canal and Tang warrior Coloring PageRead, "The Tang Dynasty" p76-79 in SOTW. Students answer, "What things did Li Yuan do to make his people happy? Why is the Tang dynasty called the Golden Age of China?" Craft Project:
Make a Jade Bead Necklace + Discuss yesterday's reading
Read, "The Yamato Dynasty of Japan" p80-85. Oral retell. Have students draw a picture of Susano and the serpent in their history journal. 
Memory WorkPoem: "How All Things Praise the Lord" Assessed as a Group on 11/20
History: "The Children's Catechism" (#18-35) Due 12/4
Key Dates #6-10 due 12/4 
Science: Practice the Planets Poem