
2nd week 79/17/20189/18/20189/19/20189/20/20189/21/2018Co-Teacher Notes
DiscipleshipFaith: Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
1 John 5:5 
HIG p50: Subtraction with No Tens, TB p47; WB Ex24, p61-62 MM #12HIG p51: Practice TB p49 Practice 2F #1-2 a,b,c and #6-7Review Addition and Subtraction + Math Assessment HIG p54:
Review 1
WB p63-64
HIG p54:
Review 1 WB p65-66
Find Math Review in Binder 
Step 5: Review NT; dictate sentences 4-6; tactile w/ "More Words" p36Review card box; Dictate sentences 7-9 and the word "gentleman" p36Step 5 Spelling Test: Title page, 10 words + 1 sentence, p36Step 6: NT, p37-41; Dictate word cards 21-30, p41Dictate sentences 1-3, p42; Place in binder.NT = New Teaching 
Copy Work 10:50-11:15
Introduce Cursive Uppercase G Students complete p31-32 of NAC Practice cursive G in class Students do p30 and p33 of NAC NAC = New American Cursive 
Read Aloud 11:55-12:10Surprise Island, Gertrude Warner 
OPG 194: S as /zh/OPG 194: S as /zh/ + Read 30 minutes OPG 195: Review Two-Syllable Words OPG 195: Review Two-Syllable Words + Read 30 minutes Independent Reading for 30 Minutes 
FLL#19 Contractions, p42-43 and complete CWFLL#20
Contractions, p44-45, CW and EA
FLL#21 Contractions using not, p46-48 and CWFLL#22
Introducing dictation, p49-50
Read Discover Science Planet Earth p38-39,
"Earth’s Riches"

Students create a Caring for Earth mini-book 
Students read Taking Care of Earth, p40-41
Have students respond to the following question: "What can we do to help take care of our planet?" 
Add information abour caring for Earth to the student narration page

Scientific Demonstration: Rock Eaters 
Students complete the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle page
(Find this in the communication tab of your child's binder)
Return MON.
Abraham Justified by Faith
Romans 4 
Esther Agrees to Help the Jews
Esther 4:12-17
Gideon Defeats the Midianites
Judges 7:9-22
Moses Had Faith
Hebrews 11:23-29 
The Fall of Jericho
Joshua 6:1-27
Introduce Timeline Card #49, "India's Gupta Dynasty"

Practice Timeline Song 
Read timeline card #49 and discuss. Draw a picture on an index card and Return to class on WEDStudent History Oral Presentation/ Student Q&A
Practice Timeline Song 
Have your child write 2-3 sentences from this week's lesson and illustrate a picture in their journal.Practice Timeline Song Please have your child bring their science/history journal to class on Wednesday
Middle East - Due 11/8
Memory WorkPoem: The Months Due 9/26

Dear Parents, 

Our class vote regarding our next read-aloud was almost unanimous last week. We just finished the first book in the Boxcar Children series, and we are moving on to the next book in the series! We'll start, Surprise Island, this week. I'm so thrilled that the students are enjoying it so much. We're really hooked! 

The class earned a popsicle party for earning 20 class compliments from myself and others who have observed great behavior and character. We'll have our popsicle party on Monday! 

I can't believe this year is flying by! I'm really looking forward to another great week. 

Blessings in Christ, 
Kelli Poncy 

Important Info: 

Math: Please continue to review addition and subtraction facts with your child. You may find the link to flashcards here! Subtraction Facts and Addition Facts . Please find the addition/subtraction math review in your child's binder for the math assessment on Wednesday. 

Reading: I will begin OPG fluency checks beginning next week. These fluency checks will incorporate past OPG lesson material that has been taught. I will email more information about these to you. I will also be in communication with you soon about your child's DRA level. 

Science/History Journals: Please have your child bring their science/history journal on Wednesday of next week, so that I can take a completion grade. The expectation for journal responses is that students follow punctuation rules and capitalization rules, as well as write 2-3 sentences for their written responses. 

Spelling: Please add the phonogram cards we learned last week from our OPG lessons (ci, ti, si) to the review section of your child's spelling box. Please continue to review previous AAS Level 1 and 2 Key Cards. 

Organization of Binders: Just a reminder, work that is done at home should be filed behind the correct divider, unless I ask for it back. I do look through binders each week to see how students are doing! 

Memory Work: Our poem, "The Months" is fast approaching on 9/26. Please practice this poem daily with your child. 

Upcoming Dates: Class Popsicle Party: 9/14, Math Assessment: 9/19, School-wide Dodgeball Tournament: 9/21, Student Holiday: 10/8